

This is my life history since 1979.

In 1979 as one of the three original co-founders of DLS along with my friends Stefan and Leif we began building Police Scanners. Leif and myself were high frequency technicians and Stefan’s duty was to keep me and Leif in order and take care of administration and production logistics.

In the early 80’s, I think that it was 1983, I bought a new VOLVO but found the factory sound system to be highly disappointing. Back then there were only coaxial speakers available on the market and after trying several of the top brads products found that I was just not happy with the sound. At the time I never thought of myself  to be picky about sound but I knew the current offerings were far from my ears appreciated to hear music reproduced through.

Then one day whilst I listened to my home speakers, I looked at them and hit me, I said to myself ” if the coaxial was the ultimate solution then they would have used them in home Hi-Fi speakers?” The very next day I visited a electronic parts shop and bought 4” Philips drivers for TV and Audax polyimide tweeters I did simple X-over and the sound was better than all the coaxials I had tested before. This was where the component set originated from in the car audio market you see today and my little claim to fame!

We also start to participate IASCA competition first in Sweden then also international. Then in Europe compete for EMMA I USA we have a very successful team with Keith Doney as team leader several time second as USA and world champion or SCOTT BUOLDA TWICE OR EDY THE JESUS. Once we bring a car from Thailand to EMMA EUROPEAN CHAMPION SHIP MR BUCK in the prestige’s Class and he won.  Following year we bring another car from Thailand Mr Pong and he won both USA and World Champion.

In SQ (Sound Quality) the drivers I designed achieved champions all across Europe and in areas such as Russia, South Africa, Australia, China , Philippines, Thailand , Indonesia , Malaysia amongst many more.

I was the chief speaker designer from the beginning right up until February –  2016 when the new owners of DLS unexpectedly decided to retrench me.

Now I exclusively design all the XCELSUS speakers with a small, dedicated, specialist team.

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Pus et magnis dis parturientontes nascetur ridiculus mus.
Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuad


Praesent vestibu lum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummyendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque.


Aenean nonummyendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturientontes nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuad.


Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturientontes nascetur  ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuadio.

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